
To get a skosprovider.registry.Registry instance, call pyramid_skosprovider.get_skos_registry() with the current application registry.

Eg. in a view:

from pyramid_skosprovider import get_skos_registry

def my_view(request):
    skos = get_skos_registry(request.registry)
    providers = skos.get_providers()
    # ...

Alternatively you can get the registry as an attribute of a pyramid request:

from pyramid_skosprovider import get_skos_registry

def my_view(request):
    skos = request.skos_registry
    providers = skos.get_providers()
    # ...

For a real-world example of an integration of pyramid_skosprovider in a Pyramid application, have a look at Atramhasis, a SKOS vocabulary editor partially built upon this library.